Citing Mauritania’s failure to end forced labor, the United States declared that it will end Mauritania’s trade benefits [...]
Source: Quartz
Palm oil giant sanctioned for slavery
The third largest palm oil company in the world, which is likely to have supplied a product you have used, has been sanctioned by the [...]
U.S. government takes action on fraudulent child adoption in Uganda
The U.S. government has launched legal action against four individuals involved in fraudulent adoption scheme in Uganda, amid growing [...]
Slave-Produced Shipment Stopped at US Border
A slave-produced shipment of soda ash from China was seized today. It is the first time since 2001 that goods have been halted at the [...]
Malawi Chief Annulling Child Marriages
Malawi has one of the highest child marriage rates on the globe, but Chief Theresa Kachindamoto has terminated 330 of them and sent [...]
Chinese Prisoners Allegedly Made Products for 3M, H&M
Peter Humphrey, a British private investigator who was arrested and put in jail for two years by Chinese authorities after looking into [...]