Products of Slavery and Slave Labor | Freedom United

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  • Slavery has been linked to the supply chains of many everyday products and commodities, including shoes, electronics, cocoa, and cotton.
  • Nestle, Mars, and Hershey all source cocoa from West Africa, where cases of child labor and forced labor have been discovered and still persist.
  • Modern slavery is connected to crisps, ice cream, and lipstick through palm oil. The palm oil industry employs 3.5 million people. Many are promised high-paying work in another country, only to suffer conditions of forced labor upon arrival.
  • Cotton is in 40% of all textiles and is known to have people enslaved at every stage of the industry, from germination, harvesting, and spinning to manufacturing the clothes.
  • It would cost consumers as little as 1.8% more per item to double the pay of a sweatshop worker. A study showed that consumers would be willing to pay up to 15% more for slavery-free clothing.
  • As many as one in three foreign workers in Malaysia’s electronics sector may be working under conditions of forced labor.
  • Coltan and other “conflict minerals” present in electronic devices often come from forced labor in illegal mining whose profits support armed forces.
  • Forced labor is big business, with profits estimated at $150 billion, or around £125 billion.
  • Some countries have been making efforts to force companies to take steps to ensure their supply chains are slavery-free, including Brazil’ has a “Dirty List,” the UK’s Modern Slavery Act and the U.S. Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act.

Take Action: End child exploitation in cocoa


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3 years ago

What companies use modern-day slave labour?

Michelle Kosik
Michelle Kosik
2 years ago

Don’t forget to add sex violence trafficking trade

triston mcspaden
triston mcspaden
2 years ago

hi save the kid

3 years ago

Hi peeps I agree and thanks for this helpful info.

Last edited 3 years ago by mason
3 years ago

Even construction companies should also be eyed so that this will end and let everyone live in harmony