Wilson Mene stepped onto the field in Phnom Penh in sweltering, 37 degree heat. The a 25-year-old football player from Nigeria [...]
Source: The Diplomat
China’s Forced Labor Problem: It’s not Just Factories
Forced labor is a sensitive topic in China, writes Peter Bengtsen. Local labor NGOs rarely approach serious instances of abuse and [...]
The Dirty Secret of Taiwan’s Fishing Industry
An increasing number of reports on human trafficking aboard Taiwanese-flagged fishing vessels have come out in recent years, [...]
Japan only G-7 member to not impose sanctions on China for forced labor
In October 2021, the trade ministers of the G-7 countries, the world’s richest nations, issued a joint statement pledging to [...]
Arrests in Indonesia, but organ trafficking continues
According to The Diplomat, 12 people have been arrested as suspects in a transnational organ trafficking ring. The suspects [...]
Only known survivor of China’s forced organ harvesting exposes brutal system
Mr. Cheng Pei Ming is the first known survivor of the ongoing state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting campaign carried out by the [...]
Painting over genocide: China’s using tourism as a propaganda weapon
Over the last decade the Chinese government has used surveillance, detention and forced labor to suppress resistance from Uyghurs. The [...]