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An estimated 40.3 million people are in slavery worldwide.

We are a modern abolitionist movement

In every country around the world, people are working for little or no pay, controlled by threats, debt, and violence. We call it by many names, but it amounts to the same thing: modern slavery. Slavery is illegal everywhere, but it continues to thrive because so many of us:
Don’t understand it • Don’t want to think about it • Don’t know how to change it
That’s where we come in. By joining Freedom United, you become part of the solution. We’ve proven time and time again: the collective voice can make a difference. So get started – and welcome to the movement!

Our Impact

TRANSPARENCY TRIUMPH! Chocolate giants yield to our advocacy

 We are celebrating that Unilever and Mondelez, two of the biggest chocolate companies, caved to our pressure and participated in the newly released 5th edition of the Chocolate Scorecard! Our community has been asking them since last year’s Scorecard to be more transparent and share insights into their supply chains with the public. This is a great first step to hold them accountable for any labor exploitation, including forced child labor.   Unfortunately, our third target General Mills has yet again refused to participate. We are disappointed, but not discouraged! A new action to increase pressure on them is already in the works.  Thank you to everyone who wrote to the chocolate giants – your voices are powerful!  
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WE DID IT! Living income victory for cocoa farmers!

We are celebrating a major win for cocoa farmers! The European Union has passed the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), and we are thrilled that our community's demand for fair purchasing practices and living income has been heard. According to the new law, companies must now ensure a living income for farmers, addressing poverty and modern slavery in their supply chains. This means that small farmers, often hit hard by low prices, will now see increased stability and sustainability in their livelihoods. This is a transformative step towards a fairer, more sustainable future for cocoa farmers and their communities. Thank you to everyone who supported this cause. Your voices made a difference!
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CAMPAIGN WIN! Plan My Gap Year finally acts

CAMPAIGN WIN! Plan My Gap Year finally acts and announces a policy to no longer offer placements in orphanages. We have been asking this of voluntourism operator PMGY since 2018 in order to undermine the business model of orphanage trafficking. Thanks to years of your sustained messages, PMGY has finally enacted policies that help protect children from trafficking. Read more about our campaign to end orphanage trafficking here, and read our field report on this win here.
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2023 For Freedom Awards

During Human Trafficking Prevention month, we awarded our For Freedom Awards to highlight and recognize exceptional work within the Freedom United community.
We’re so proud of everything the anti-modern slavery community achieved in a challenging human rights landscape. 
Discover all our award winners here!
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Inaugural For Freedom Awards

During January, Human Trafficking Prevention month, we launched Freedom United's inaugural For Freedom Awards to highlight and recognize exceptional work within the Freedom United community.
2022 was a difficult year but despite this, activists on the frontline against modern slavery worked tirelessly to campaign for change. We’re so proud of everything the anti-modern slavery community achieved in a challenging human rights landscape. 
Discover all our award winners here!
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Invest in The Movement

Your sustainable gift is the best way to support the work of raising awareness, assisting nonprofits around the world, and achieving the vision of a world without slavery.

Join the Movement

Stand together with survivors, activists, advocates and supporters determined to end slavery. Learn what you can do to make a difference, and make the impact we want to see in the world.