Supplyshift and Ulula are teaming up to collect worker feedback in companies’ supply chains in a move that help improve labor rights and prevent forced labor.
Supplyshift, a supplier management platform, and Ulula, a social enterprise that focuses on creating ethical supply chains through transparency, says the partnership will help companies better understand the problems facing workers in their supply chains.
“This partnership … is groundbreaking because it helps integrate worker feedback into supply chain management to create more transparency and responsible sourcing,” explained Antoine Heuty, founder and CEO of Ulula.
“Our partnership puts better data about working conditions at the fingerprints of companies to help drive positive change in their supply chains.”
Sustainable Brands reports:
[Ulula] gathers data through anonymous, user-friendly interfaces, mostly via the mobile technology that is accessible to workers around the world — adding to the arsenal of tools such as Ganaz, LaborVoices and Laborlink that leverage workers’ smartphones to help hold companies accountable through direct worker feedback.
“Worker-generated data and feedback provides more honest data to guide sourcing decisions,” Heuty said. “It also offers practical guidance for employers to improve their labor and social practices.”
Meanwhile, SupplyShift is a large, established company; its comprehensive platform allows companies to analyze their entire supplier networks, with the goal of both increasing efficiency and reducing risk. Adding in data from Ulula allows SupplyShift to provide a better product for their clients.
“The data from Ulula integrated into the SupplyShift supplier network enables companies to make informed decisions when prioritizing suppliers whose business ethics match their own commitments,” Bob Young, VP of Commercial for SupplyShift, told SB.
The two companies say they are now working on projects that will make it easier for companies to see how worker voice can be used in responsible sourcing decisions.
“We want to make it seamless for companies to get direct, anonymous and honest feedback from workers to eradicate abuses and make positive changes in the workplace,” said Heuty.
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