In response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine last February, the European Union has opened its borders to millions of Ukrainians [...]
Source: Politico New York
Chocolate can’t be sustainable until companies pay a living income price for cocoa
As the European Union develops new rules to hold companies accountable for social and environmental harms, such as deforestation and [...]
U.S. government violating Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act with seafood purchases
China’s distant-water fishing fleet, the world’s largest with up to 6,500 ships, operates in murky waters, both literally [...]
Facebook and Attorney General Partnership
New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s office announced a pilot program with Facebook on Thursday to develop tools that [...]
Abolitionist Harriet Tubman on the US $20
Abolitionist Harriet Tubman will soon replace Andrew Jackson on the front of the $20 bill. This is an historic move that provides a [...]
New Hampshire and the endurance of child marriage in the U.S.
Child marriage is legal in most American states In the U.S., marriage below the age of 18 is only illegal in 6 states. Of the [...]