At least the view wasn’t too bad at the Hong Kong airport! After a whirlwind couple days of training camp, 45 hours of traveling [...]
Source: Laurel Street
A Grand Illusion
op·ti·cal il·lu·sion noun: something that deceives the eye by appearing to be other than it is. One of Bangkok's Red Light [...]
It Takes a Village
A couple weekends ago, my teammates and I had the chance to visit a beautiful little village near Krasang, about 250 miles east of [...]
A Day in the Life
This is a recent post from End Crowd's "boots on the ground" field reporter who is working as a volunteer to fight human trafficking in [...]
The Fishbowl
Another poignant post from Laurel, End Crowd's boots on the ground reporter volunteering in Bangkok. Below is an excerpt, but it is [...]
Again we hear an insightful report from Laurel, our field reporter from Bangkok. Laurel is volunteering several months with an [...]
For those of you who have enjoyed the journals of Laurel, our field report in Bangkok, you will love these wonderful images she just [...]
We at End Crowd, along with so many of our readers, have followed our field reporter, a young woman named Laurel, as she travelled to [...]
End Crowd's field reporter, Laurel, has returned from her volunteer stint in Bangkok and is back home again in Atlanta. We are [...]
Our field reporter, Laurel, is back to share some timeless beauty with some reflections of her recent trip to Bangkok where she [...]
Laurel Street Recalls Her “Thailand Top 20”
Many of our readers will remember Laurel Street, our young boot-on-the-ground reporter from Bangkok, Thailand. She left the U.S. last [...]