Human trafficking generates extensive national interest and media coverage in the United States, but that attention often focuses [...]
Source: Human Trafficking Search
Trafficking victims include U.S. citizens, foreign nationals, women, men, and children
Human trafficking generates extensive national interest and media coverage in the United States, but that attention often focuses [...]
A Legislative Trend–Pressuring Large Companies to Eliminate Forced Labor in Their Supply Chains
The existence of forced labor and human trafficking in a company’s supply chain represents the newest frontier of the global effort to [...]
DOL’s Sweat & Toil New App Available
Recently the United States Department released the 14th edition of its annual report, the 2014 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child [...]
Combat Slavery on the High Seas
Slavery on the high seas has captured headlines in recent months, but there have been several successes lately in the fight to [...]
Increasing Dialogue on Human Trafficking
Increasing dialogue and raising awareness was the goal of a human trafficking symposium hosted last week by The McCain Institute...