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Help stop domestic slavery in Delhi

Help stop domestic slavery in Delhi

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Every day, children and women are being trapped by traffickers posing as placement agents, forcing them into conditions of modern slavery. It’s time to call on the Delhi Government to help end human trafficking by enacting the law to regulate placement agencies.

“Every time I look into the mirror I regret the day I decided to go to Delhi.”
– a 15-year old girl rescued from domestic slavery.

Trafficked into Delhi, she was physically tortured and psychologically traumatized. But there are thousands more like her who are less fortunate – hidden behind closed doors in affluent households of the capital city, trapped into a life of modern slavery.

Trafficking for forced labor is common across India. There are innumerable children and women who go missing from Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Assam and other states every year. With rising poverty and natural disasters, more and more children are dropping out of school. Lack of support from authorities makes them more vulnerable to being lured by fake placement agencies in search of a better life.

Thankfully, the High Court has asked the government of Delhi to draft a law regulating placement agencies. This regulation can be instrumental in identifying traffickers posing as placement agents, and will be a big step towards ending trafficking of people into Delhi for domestic slavery.

Ask the government of Delhi to help end trafficking of people into domestic servitude.

  • COVID-19 Update: The pandemic has heightened the risks that domestic workers face in DelhiSome domestic workers have lost their jobs thus increasing their vulnerability, while others face more intense work due to their employer staying homeNow more than ever, we must urge the Delhi government to enact the Delhi Private Placement Agency (Regulation) Bill. 

  • February 2020: As of this month, the Delhi Private Placement Agency (Regulation) Bill, 2012 has still not been enacted. Let’s keep the pressure on to make sure the Delhi government takes this step to protect its domestic workers.

  • July 2019: The Delhi Commission for Women has now issued a notice to the Labor Department on its failure to table the Private Placements Agencies (Regulation) Bill for discussion.

  • December 2018: As India considers a new anti-trafficking bill that would cover labor exploitation for the first time, it is crucial that the Government reviews critical weaknesses in the bill to ensure domestic workers receive adequate protection. Read more on the story here.

  • Sep 24, 2015: Campaign Launches

Chip in and help end modern slavery once and for all.


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Sarah Young
Sarah Young
6 years ago

This is just horrific. What those poor vulnerable women and children have to endure is sickening. This needs to be stopped right NOW! No human shower do have to endure such degradation and abuse

George Purdy
George Purdy
6 years ago

The government must show true leadership. How would they like it if their children were to be used like these defenceless children. They are too used to their own comforts and think they are above the poor people. God will sort them out, just wait and see. God bless the children and pray that they may come out of slavery; if only the government had the GUTS to comply.

Patricia DeBeer
Patricia DeBeer
6 years ago

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.

6 years ago

Every person regardless of age, stature, culture or religion, deserves to be nurtured, cared for and respected by the rest of the human family as a whole, especially the young, the innocent, the elderly and infirmed! What affects ONE affects ALL! Anyone who believes otherwise is in delusion. A person who harms another is ultimately harming themselves, likewise one who BLESSES another, ultimately BLESSES THEMSELVES!! Even criminals, who need to be disciplined and where possible rehabilitated.

6 years ago

Big thank you freedomunited for taking action!



Help us reach 50,000

Dear Mr Arvind Kejriwal Hon Chief Minister of Delhi,

Children and women go missing in India every day. Many of them are being duped and sold in Delhi for domestic slavery.

I request you to help stop human trafficking by enacting the Delhi Private Placement Agency (Regulation) Bill, 2012 that will:

– define rights of a domestic worker
– register all placement agencies
– form a committee to verify credentials of all placement agencies
– ban employment of children by placement agencies
– set up complaint redressal forums
– make provisions to perform surprise checks on placement agencies
– guarantee minimum wage
– make provisions to provide legal aid, welfare mechanisms, social security benefits to domestic workers
– ensure placement agencies implement the social security scheme

Please act now to help end trafficking for domestic servitude.

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