End sexual exploitation of children in Kenya - FreedomUnited.org

End sexual exploitation of children in Kenya

Freedom United

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The last place you should expect to find a child is in a brothel; yet for 17-year-old Phoebe from Kenya, this is her life.1

Phoebe comes from a poor family. When she dropped out of school, she went in search of a better life – instead she has been forced to have group sex with tourists for no money.2

Reports indicate that more than 50,000 children are involved in different forms of commercial sexual exploitation.3 It is most common along the Kenyan Coast where the majority of tourism activities take place – in fact sex offenders travel to Kenya for this very reason: to prey on these vulnerable victims.4

No child should be forced into the commercial sex industry for their survival. We must ensure that these predators keep their hands off Kenya’s children.

Join us and Child Aid Organization Kenya in calling on the Kenyan government to declare zero tolerance of commercial sexual exploitation of children, backed by regular monitoring and law enforcement.

See more on this campaign at Responsible Travel

  • November 22, 2019: We’re thrilled that Kenya has begun the ratification process of the Optional Protocol to the CRC on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography. Ratifying will be an important step toward addressing child sexual exploitation in the country.

  • November 2019: A new report by the African Child Policy Forum has found that a shocking 22-38% of girls and 9-17% of boys in Kenya have experienced sexual violence. Read an English summary here.

  • May 2019: Kenya is the first African country to connect to the International Child Sexual Exploitation database. As a result, three abusers have been identified and child removed from harm. Read more about this development here.

  • August 2018: A staggering 10,000 to 15,000 girls in coastal regions are being sexually exploited, but it’s not just girls at risk. We welcome the strong recommendations set out in the IOM’s recent report and urge the Kenyan authorities to act on them immediately. Click here to read more.

  • Aug 12, 2015: Campaign Launches

Chip in and help end modern slavery once and for all.


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Dana Blow
Dana Blow
5 years ago

“Forced to have sex” is not a thing. It does not exist. She was gangraped. All of these children are victims of rape and rape trafficking. One of the reason why rape culture is not taken seriously is because the media and organizations are too scared to call rape what it is every time. You cannot force sex. You cannot force consent. It is rape.

Paulette Harvey
5 years ago

EVIL IS AS EVIL DOES, these unfortunate children have possibly as little as 3 years to live before they succumb to some type of sexual disease by then she would have earned huge amounts of money for her “handler” and she would not have seen a penny herself, this won’t stop until you cut off the demand.

Sudhir Pandit
6 years ago

Even an adult should not be a slave; to exploit children is cowardly and deserves harsh punishment

5 years ago

Am appalled by this report having spent some time in Kenya, including especially Kilifi and Malindi. My wife was working in Kilifi when I met her. This is unacceptable – but of course it’s happening everywhere, including the U.K. and U.S. and much of Europe, and everywhere there is official denial and cover up.

john mascarenhas
john mascarenhas
6 years ago

what is president Kenyatta doing? attracting peadophiles to Kenya for their foreign exchange contribution? or is he the head of this group and provides them protection???

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