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Help end forced labor

Freedom United

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Your country must act quickly to adopt and implement the international law1 to prevent abuses, protect victims, as well as punish those that profit from forced labor.

We have already waited decades for this tough new global standard against forced labor. The people trapped on farms, in mines, in factories, and in all the other places where forced labor flourishes shouldn’t have to wait while our policy-makers drag their heels to put this law into practice.

All countries must prioritize this effort to end forced labor: call on the Government of your country to adopt this law immediately. 

This law — known as the Protocol of 2014 to Convention 292 — creates new responsibilities for governments in the fight against forced labor, the key measures cover:3

  1. Prevention. Governments are obligated to create national action plans to tackle forced labor and support business to root out and respond to forced labor in their supply chains.
  2. Better protection for victims. This includes the safeguarding of vulnerable migrant workers against fraudulent and abusive recruitment practices.
  3. Justice. Victims are now protected from prosecution for crimes they may have committed as a direct result of their forced labor. They also have access to justice, including the ability to claim compensation for the abuses they have experienced, and where they occurred.

Our collective voice can keep forced labor on the agenda and ensure swift action by the Government of your country. Act now!

Learn more by visiting our landing page.

Ratified countries (60) as of June 2024: 

Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Chile, Comoros, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Czechia, Côte d’Ivoire, Denmark, Djibouti, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lesotho, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Mexico, Mozambique, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Norway, Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Thailand, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, and Zimbabwe.

  • April 2, 2022: Big news! Australia finally ratifies the Forced Labour Protocol. We handed in 100,000+ Freedom United petition signatures to Australia’s UN Ambassador Mitch Fifield and sent our petition to the Western Australian parliament. They have responded to our collective voice! Now the Forced Labour Protocol is signed, we look forward to the benefits of stronger protections.

  • May 26, 2021: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has ratified the ILO Forced Labour Protocol. They are the first Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) country to ratify the Protocol, which calls on all ILO Member States to eradicate modern slavery in all its forms.

  • March 18, 2021: Luxembourg became the 51st country to ratify the Forced Labour Protocol.

  • March 17, 2021: Today, the 50 for Freedom campaign reached its target! 50 countries have now ratified the ILO Forced Labor Protocol. Read about our activities under ‘Updates’ below.

  • Jun 17, 2014: Campaign Launches

Chip in and help end modern slavery once and for all.


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4 years ago

Corporations only exist to make profits and are not required by our leaders to take any responsibility for their impacts on people’s lives or the environment. Sadly, they can continue to do business because we continue to buy their “edible food-like substances” and their cheap consumer goods. We want to have all the latest fashions, newest gadgets and drive around in gas guzzling vehicles. If we all stopped buying their crap it would get their attention pretty quickly.

Roger Penney
5 years ago

Many years ago Britain stopped the slave trade (1807). in 1834 we stopped slavery itself in the British Empire. To our shame it is all coming back in every vile and ugly form, with some more even more disgustingly vile features.

Maureen A Absten
Maureen A Absten
7 years ago

STOP sex slave trade all over the world

Lyn Spraggons
7 years ago

Its just reprehensible that in 2017 we still enslave,torture and put humans to work like “pit ponies” and we managed to rescue most of the ponies but these unfortunate people are mislead into a life of hell,through no fault of their own!! Its sickening and must be stopped at all costs!!!

Janet S Beaton
7 years ago

I think these government just close their eyes to what is going on should stop aid to these countries until the get their act together

Call on your government to adopt the international law to end forced labor


Help us reach 150,000

I call on my Government to immediately ratify the Protocol of 2014 to the Forced Labour Convention No. 29, 1930.

I hope I can count on you to make forced labor history.

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