Outlaw forced child marriage in Niger - FreedomUnited.org

Outlaw forced child marriage in Niger

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Three-quarters of girls in Niger are married before they are adults.1 Child marriage often amounts to slavery, for example, when girls have not given their free and full consent, are subjected to control, exploited and unable to leave, 2 so outlawing it is an important step towards protecting Niger children.

Right now young girls are being married off to older men.

Fati Yahaya at just 20 has been married twice, divorced once, and suffered a postpartum hemorrhage after the birth of her first child.3 With the age of consent for girls set at 15 years old, and many marrying younger with parental permission, thousands of girls like Zeinabou and Fati face a life of abuse and unrealized potential.

Former President Mahamadou Issoufou had publicly declared his intent to address the causes of child marriage but did not advance any policies to this effect before leaving office. Niger’s current President Mohamed Bazoum has also indicated that reducing child marriage is a priority for his government.4 In addition, a law has been proposed to change the age to 18 for girls but it is yet to be adopted. 

Call on Niger’s President to outlaw the child marriage of girls.

Find out more about forced child marriage around the world by clicking here.

*Image copyright of ILRI/Stevie Mann: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ilri

  • COVID-19 Update: We are concerned that the number of girls forced into marriage will increase as financial hardship progressively worsens for families. The recent spike in domestic violence as a result of COVID-19 lockdowns may also put young girls in forced marriages at risk of enduring heightened levels of abuse.

  • July 7, 2019: A group of First Ladies led by Niger’s own H.E. Dr. Lalla Malika signed a declaration reaffirming their commitment to ending child marriage in West Africa. Read more here.

  • February 2019: Niger’s government has developed a multisector National Action Plan through the UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme to Accelerate Action to End Child Marriage, but its implementation is still limited by lack of funds.

  • December 2018: Forced child marriage remains a serious issue in Niger with the highest rate of child marriage in the world. Listen to 15-year-old Hamsatou explain how she wants to live her life free from forced marriage.

  • Mar 15, 2016: Campaign Launches

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S Bullock
S Bullock
6 years ago

We must find a way to protect these young girls from forced marriage and
possible injury……. they are too young. We plead with President Mahamadou to address this issue, 18 is better but it STILL AN INSULT TO FEMALES. This must be stopped.

Sudhir Pandit
6 years ago

Anything forced is not natural and hence harmful.

Matt Moran
7 years ago

Very sad that this continues. Please keep fighting!

6 years ago

Is there anyone in his/hers right mind who’d want to be forced into anything? Would you?… Would I?…. Hell, NO! Stop it! Forced marriage equals rape!

Ellen Strohmeyer
6 years ago

Outlaw these pedophiles! How evil and disgusting.

Call on Niger’s President to outlaw child marriage


Help us reach 150,000

Dear President Mohamed Bazoum,

We applaud your commitment to reduce child marriage and welcome your efforts implementing education and social programs throughout your country.

We ask that you use your authority to push to outlaw child marriage by amending Niger’s Civil and Children’s Codes.

Outlawing child marriage will send a strong message that the practice must end and provide a firm legislative base to expand services to young women and girls.

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