End Crowd is pleased to introduce you to Laurel, a courageous and energetic young woman who is headed to Bangkok this week to volunteer with an anti-trafficking organization. She has agreed to keep us posted on her experiences during the next few months. The tagline on her blog is a quote: “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”
Laurel, we wish you the very best, and we appreciate your efforts to help stop modern-day slavery.
Hello! My name is Laurel Street, and I am excited to share my experiences with you as I volunteer with human trafficking victims in Thailand this fall. I’d like to start off by sharing a little about myself and letting you know more about my upcoming trip.
Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, I’m a recent college graduate with a degree in Business Administration from Georgia Tech. I love traveling and I’m passionate about ending human trafficking, so I am thrilled about the opportunity to combine two of my passions by volunteering in Bangkok, where I’ll be living for about three months this fall.
Most of my daily work in Thailand will revolve around serving victims and their families in a transitional housing community. I’ll be mentoring and counseling, and helping them learn new job skills. The community where I’ll be volunteering offers a variety of skills for rescued victims to learn: jewelry making, sewing, farming, baking and barista training to name a few. I’ll be working alongside victims as a barista in a coffee shop run by the organization!
As the last week before I leave for my trip winds down, I am feeling a flood of emotions. Hearing the news of the bombing in Bangkok yesterday, I am saddened for the victims and their families, and terrified about my own safety. I’m nervous, antsy to get going, and so excited I can hardly stand it. But most of all, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. I feel very blessed by everyone who has supported me so far. It has been inspiring to see friends and strangers coming together to serve a common goal. We won’t change the world, but we can certainly change somebody’s world. I can’t begin to express the depth of my gratitude for your support. I will keep you updated throughout my travels!
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