In the latest Global Slavery Index, experts estimate that there are 35.8 million people living in slavery all over the world.
As you can imagine, information on modern slavery is difficult to gather because it is a crime that is often hidden: in factories, on farms, in homes; behind closed doors in the world’s richest and poorest nations. When it comes to fighting (and solving!) crime, information is extremely powerful because without knowing all the facts, it’s nearly impossible to make progress.
Unfortunately, many governments have missed the deadline to provide answers to the Global Slavery Index Government Response Survey. The Survey, the results of which are due to be published at the end of this month, is asking every government in the world to share what they are doing to combat the scourge of modern slavery.
The publication of the first Global Slavery Index made headlines worldwide, brought modern slavery into the public eye, and sparked discussions on how countries all over the world can help end the nightmare of slavery. A global response will help set a benchmark and enable anti-slavery activists around the world to hold governments accountable for their actions in eradicating modern slavery.
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