The Long Journey to Restoration for Yazidi Survivors

The long journey to restoration


In learning about modern slavery and human trafficking, you may hear many words used to describe what comes after a person or group of people escape the situation.

“Rescue” may be used to describe a moment. Recovery, or restoration, is a process – and often a long, difficult one for survivors.

Aftercare and support services are vital, both in addressing survivors’ vulnerability to re-trafficking, and also to help them cope with the physical, psychological and emotional burdens they carry after these traumatic experiences. A long-term solution to modern slavery must consider how to help survivors heal and recover, with the understanding that it may be a long, slow process.

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Yes, we should absolutely celebrate whenever people exit a situation of modern slavery or human trafficking. However, it’s a mistake to think that moment will serve as the end to their difficult and heart-wrenching story. Often, it’s just the end of a chapter.

There are many organizations around the world focused on this long, sustained work of restoration for survivors. Some, like Visayaan Forum, focus on victims in a particular geographic area. Others focus on particular age groups, like child victims. Still others work to help people who have escaped a specific type of situation, such as domestic servitude or commercial sex trafficking.

Yazda is an organization committed to helping survivors of the Yazidi genocide, where sexual slavery was used as a war crime against an entire ethnic group. The video above discusses the work Yazda is doing, over time, to help these people recover.

Because supporting survivors in the process of restoration requires specialized skills and training, many of us are not in position to work directly with survivors. Often the best way for us to support survivors is via an organization which does have the needed skills and training.

Today’s challenge is to make a small, short-term sacrifice – what you would earn in an hour working at your job – to help Yazda continue in theirs.

Please Note: if you prefer to give an hour’s wages to a different anti-trafficking charity you know and believe in, particularly one focused on restoration, please feel free to do so.

Also Note: If you are not in position to give an hour’s wages today, please consider sharing about Yazda (or another charity) and inviting at least one other person to give as your action today.

If you missed any of our previous Freedom Fortnight challenges you can still take action here.