Pledge to represent survivors with dignity - Freedom United

My Story, My Dignity Pledge

Jeremy Abrahams, Unhidden Project

Make your voice heard

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The Irina Project signs My Story, My Dignity pledge
West Mslavefreetrade signs My Story, My Dignity pledge
West Midlands Anti-Slavery Network signs My Story, My Dignity pledge
Hope at Home signs My Story, My Dignity pledge
Darkness2hope signs My Story, My Dignity pledge
LifeWay Network signs My Story, My Dignity pledge
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Why we need to pledge to protect survivors’ dignity

The anti-modern slavery sector relies on strong stories and eye-catching images when writing about modern slavery. Raising awareness of the issues and the prevalence of modern slavery is essential, but so often, as survivors of modern slavery tell us, the images and language used to tell these stories do not reflect them accurately or in a dignified way.

All too often, disempowering language and images are used to drive the narratives around modern slavery and extreme exploitation, sensationalizing the experience of modern slavery today. Sensationalist images and language can unintentionally create or reinforce stereotypes or negative prejudices.

What do I do?

You can help change this by adopting the My Story, My Dignity Pledge as an individual or on behalf of an organization, company, or institution that publicly shares human trafficking and modern slavery information and cases. By adhering to the pledge, you can help ensure accurate and respectful representations, so that we are all better informed on the realities of modern slavery and better equipped to end it. The anti-modern slavery movement must create the space for leadership from lived experience, helping identify lasting solutions.

The My Story, My Dignity Pledge principles:

  1. Choose respectful images that are representative of the issue. Choose stock images carefully.
  2. Select text that accurately represents the story. Be careful to avoid sensationalist language.
  3. Respect survivors’ right to privacy and dignity.
  4. Obtain prior consent to using a personal story, and be transparent and accurate about the process and how it will be used.

Read Freedom United’s content guidelines to see how we live by the pledge.

  • July 4, 2023: Success! The Telegraph has issued a correction after it published inaccurate figures on modern slavery claims last year.

    Freedom United supporters, together with After Exploitation and Anti-Slavery International, wrote to the UK’s independent newspaper regulator IPSO requesting a correction be issued – and they listened! Read IPSO’s ruling in full here.

  • October 15, 2020: The West Midlands Anti-Slavery Network ran a workshop based on the My Story, My Dignity workshop content – we’re proud to see the workshop being used by partners in the anti-modern slavery sector! We encourage more organizations to sign up the pledge and implement the guidelines.

  • September 18, 2020: We’re proud to have the UK Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner’s office as a signatory on the pledge and to see the pledge mentioned in her annual report published today. How we communicate on modern slavery and people’s experiences of it is crucial in dismantling disempowering, retraumatizing and victimizing narratives of modern slavery.

  • September 15, 2020: That’s a wrap! Thank you to everyone who attended our final #MyStoryMyDignity online workshop today hosted in partnership with the fantastic Dr. Hannah Lewis at the University of Sheffield. We’re grateful for the participation of so many organizations discussing ethical representations of modern slavery. We’re developing a briefing to share with the wider anti-modern slavery community. More updates on that to come soon!

  • Nov 09, 2017: Campaign Launches

Chip in and help end modern slavery once and for all.


Freedom United is interested in hearing from our community and welcomes relevant, informed comments, advice, and insights that advance the conversation around our campaigns and advocacy. We value inclusivity and respect within our community. To be approved, your comments should be civil.

stop icon A few things we do not tolerate: comments that promote discrimination, prejudice, racism, or xenophobia, as well as personal attacks or profanity. We screen submissions in order to create a space where the entire Freedom United community feels safe to express and exchange thoughtful opinions.

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Zac Dendry
Zac Dendry
6 years ago

We as human beings have a moral duty to stand up in the face of injustices..
It’s seems our modern day lifestyles are turning us into self absorbed narcissistic and destructive individuals..
Western world ideologies policies and practices are very destructive to our environment our beautiful species and us as human beings that inhabit this planet ..
The western world domination over third countries by the exploitation of foreign labour and natural resources instigates modern day slavery.

Tim Kerman
Tim Kerman
6 years ago

This is often sensationalised. The survivors are often treated as a group rather than individuals. We need to remember that these are individual human beings not study cases. The survivors should have there voices heard

Md mominul hamid
Md mominul hamid
6 years ago

I am a victim of modern slavery and trafficking. How can i raise my voice? And tell my story

Shelly Ann
Shelly Ann
6 years ago

Everyone should be shown dignity and respect choose if you are rich or poor , it cost nothing to be nice and respectful, who knows what’s round the corner for any off us, isn’t it nicer to were a smile and not a frown,. Slavery in this world we live in should not be happening, to anyone And we need to stand up and protect these people. What these people go though I don’t know but just by speaking out for them could make a little change,. Hopefully.

6 years ago

Every action taken by FreedomUnited is geared towards achieving a world that is right respecting and where justice thrives.
In the world we live in Today, striping ones dignity is more animal than even decapitating them. With every name added in every campaign, we are sending a message to the world to respect humanity.
Slavery, like every other negative vice can be stopped. It is a human creation and thus it will take humans to end it. Let’s not be blind to it. Act now. Freedom=Dignity.

Pledge to represent survivors with dignity


Help us reach 30,000
Read the full textRead the full text

I am committed to helping build a world without human trafficking and modern slavery.

I believe that modern slavery and survivor stories must be presented in a way that is accurate and dignified. Too often we speak on behalf of survivors and sensationalize the experience of modern slavery today.

I will apply the My Story, My Dignity pledge:

  1. Choose respectful images that are representative of the issue. Choose stock images carefully.
  2. Select text that accurately represents the story. Be careful to avoid sensationalist language.
  3. Respect survivors’ right to privacy and dignity.
  4. Obtain prior consent to using a personal story, be transparent and accurate about the process and how it will be used.

I will promote the My Story, My Dignity pledge amongst colleagues and friends.

Freedom United will protect your privacy while updating you on campaigns, news and stories about modern slavery. Freedom United has my permission to email me with news and campaigns. I understand that I can unsubscribe at any time.

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We've Pledged:
Centro Yana
CAPI logo
Adopt a generation logo
African Bumbano logo
PWFU logo
Oselobua logo
GreenHeart Foundation logo
Cast logo 474x240
FNUSA Logo - Horizontal Large - Yellow-purple RGB
National Survivor Network logo
Domestic Workers United logo
The Irina Project signs My Story, My Dignity pledge
West Mslavefreetrade signs My Story, My Dignity pledge
West Midlands Anti-Slavery Network signs My Story, My Dignity pledge
Hope at Home signs My Story, My Dignity pledge
Darkness2hope signs My Story, My Dignity pledge
LifeWay Network signs My Story, My Dignity pledge
Together Free logo
IJM UK signs My Story, My Dignity pledge
Traffick Jam logo
Adavu Project logo
blue bear coffee logo
GLOWA Cameroon logo
transforming communities together logo
Sophie Hayes Foundation logo
Voice of the Free logo
open door logo
Afruca logo